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Wisdom of the crow

Welcome to a new experience in the divine Tarot.

This deck provides the perspective of the Crow's journey through life and its parallels to our own. Through stunning imagery, you will behold the Tarot through an excitingly beautiful environment.

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Illustrated by Sabrina Puha, this deck is designed to reflect the standard imagery of a Tarot deck, all while holding within it a natural sense of wonderment. This special deck conveys a perspective of the Crow's life, sometimes whimsically anthropomorphic in real-life situations for a crow, and sometimes into a fantastic other world. Every card, much like its interpretation and reader, has a vast amount of guidance to glean.

a new world

Written by Narus Janus Sandas, Wisdom of the Crow contains a standard sensibility but an intuitive interpretation and should be read in the same manner. We see a blending of our world and that of the Crow's all in one. The Trump cards are a representation of the life cycle of the Crow, and through the Minor Arcana are brought into situations every living being faces upon their path. Let your intuition guide you as you step through a gateway to the Wisdom of the Crow.

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For any media inquiries, please contact Ordinary Pioneer:


6901 Providence St, Whitehouse, OH 43571

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